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Exporter & Importer from India

Sheet & Wire Rolling Machines, Gold Smith Tools, Vibtrater & Magnetic Polishers, Jewellery, Packing Boxes & Display Items, Pouch Bags, Trays, Necks, Display Products, Benches, Busch Burs, Cleaning and Polishing, Diamond and Gem Testers, Diamond, Drills, Engraving, Files, Flexshafts, Gauges, Gemological Instruments, Gold Testers, Hammers and Holders, Jewelers Kits, Knives, Lamps, Loupes and Magnifiers, Mandrels, microscopes, Pliers and Cutters, Publications, Renata Batteries, Ring Tools, Rolling Mills, Saw Blades And Saw Frames, Scales, Scissors and Shears, Screwdrivers, Scribes, Security Items, Setting Tools, Silversmithing, Specials, Storage And Display, Torches, Tweezers, Ultrasonic Cleaners, Watchmaking and Repair, Gold Processing Machines.

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India / Amritsar

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Export & Import

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Exporter from India

ECG Machine, Arthroscopes, Anaesthesia Machine, Probes Gastroscopes, Neo Care Ventilators, Emg Ot Femugator, Oxygen Concentrator, PFT Machine, Suction Machines, Video / Laryngoscopes, Ventilators, Oxymeter, Cricothyrotomy Sets, Skin Stapplers, Featal Doppler, Cautery Machines, Syringe Pump, Hospital Furniture, Infusion Pump, LED Light Source, Arthroscopy Instruments, Urethroscopes, Sinuscopes, Operation Theatre LED Lights, vein Lite, Coupler, Laminar Airflow, Warmers, Rectoscope, Autoclaves, Laproscopes, Nefroscopes, Multipara Monitor, defibrillator, Sonography Machine, plaster Cutters, Heamotology Analysers, xray Machine, X Ray View Box, Biochemical Analysers, Hollowares, co2 Insufflator, Micro Motor Drill, Incubbators, Oxgen Regulator, Camera Single Chip, hysteroscopes, Telescopes, Camera 3-chip Indian, Vascular Dopplerv, Hospital Nurses / Staff Dress, X Ray Lead / Lead Free Gowns, Tourniqautes, LED Headlight, Doctors Gown / Patient Gown, Peak Flow Meters, Digital Thermometers, Nebulisers, Ssurgipen, Glucometer, Syring Needle Destroyer, Glucosticks, Heamoglobin Meter, Hiv Kits, Fiber Optic Cables, Infrared Thermoscope, Finger Tip Oxymeter, Hot Water Bags, Surgical Clippers, Aneroid Sphygmanometer, Ultrasound Gel, Ecg Gel, X Ray Developer Fixer, Eto –ethylene Oxide Gas Sterlisers, air Sterlisation System, Biochemical Analyser, Micro Surgery Instruments Cleaning Solution, Cath Lab Products, Tracheastomy Tube, Operating microscop, O.t Sterliser / Fog Machine / Formalin Chamber / Biomedical, Ortho Aids / Rehabillation Wheel Chairs, Hospital Furniture, Hospital Holloware, Biosafety Cabinets, Flash Autoclaves, Neuropathy Analyser, Dialyser, Indirect Opthalmoscopes, Blood Pressure Analysis System, Physiotherapy Equipments and Units.

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India / Nagpur

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Exporter from India

Binocullar microscopes, Medical Pathological microscopes, Travelling microscopes, Junior microscopes, Medical microscopes, microscopes Repair Also Avialabe, Dissecting microscopes, Newton Ring microscopes, Telescopes All Types, Coxial Binocullar microscopes, Single Nose microscopes, microscopes Assesries, Eye Pieces, Wide Fields All, Binocullar Head, Mecanical Stages All Types, microscopes Nose Pieces All Types, Models, Skeltons, Screw Gauges, Spehrometer, microscopes Reflectors, Ark microscopes, microscopes Diapharm, microscopes Cameras, Trinocullar Head, Abbe Reflectometer, Centrifuge Machines Electric, Centrifige Machine Hand Oprating, Voltmeters, Ammeters, Ohms Law Appratus, Ressistane Box, Tunning Fork Set, Oven, Humdity Chambers, Disstilation Appratus 3 Litre, Calliper, One Meter Scales Stailess Steel, Manufacturers Of microscopes, Manufacturers Of microscopes Optics, Manufacturers And Suppliers Of microscopes, Scientific Instruments And Laboutory Equipment, Indian microscopes Repair, microscopes Repair In All

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India / Ambala

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Exporter from India

microscope, Microtome, Profile Projector, Tissue Processor, Centrifuge, Incubator, Laboratory Glassware, Lab Plastic Ware, Educational Equipment, Scientific Instrument, School Supply, Physics, Biology, Chemistry Kit, Water Distiller, microscope Glass Slide, Globes, Rock Specimen, Solar System Model, Human Anatomy Model, Weather Testing, Charts & Posters, Earth Science Kits, Geographical Maps, Rock & Minerals, Geology Models, Medical Supply, Autoclave, Analytical Balance, Weighing Machine, Pressure Pump, Galvanometer, Rheostat, Van De Graaff, Air Track Apparatus, Beaker, Measuring Cylinder, Flask, Tuning Forks, Molecular Model Set, Galvanometer, Hydrometer, Lactometer, Thermometer.

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India / Ambala Cantt

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Exporter from India

Mobile Phone Accessories : Charger, Battery, Case / Cover, Housing, Bluetooth Products etc,
Mobile Phone Spare Parts : LCD, Buzzer, Speaker, Connectors, IC (Integrated Circuits).
Repairing Hand Tools : Screw Driver Set, Work Stations, Cleanser, microscope etc.
Unlocking Clips, Unlocking Sim Cards etc.

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India / Gurgaon

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Exporter from India

Orthopaedic Aids : Cervical Aids, Fracture Aids, Finger Splints, Body Belts & Braces, Traction Kit, Knee & Ankle Supports, Wrist & Forearm Support, Foot Care Products etc.
Orthopaedic Implants : Trauma, Instrument Boxes / Sets, Locking Plates & Sets, Prosthesis, Intramedullary nails, Spinal Implants, Power Tools. Available in Titanium & Stainless Steel etc.
Hospitalwear : Surgical Gown, Doctors coat, Apron, Scrub Suits, Maternity Gown, Disposable lab coat etc.
Anaesthesia : Laryngoscope, Resuscitators Silicon, Rubber, Rebreathing Bags.
Infusion Therapy : IV Cannula, 3-Way Stop Cocks, I.V. Infusion Sets, Scalp Vein Sets, Hypodermic Syringes & Needles, Insulin Syringe etc.
Anaesthesia & Respiratory Care : Suction Catheter, Nasal Oxygen Cannula, Oxygen Mask, Nebuliser Kit, Respiratory Exerciser, Endotracheal Tube, Spinal Needle etc.
Urology : Urine Collection Bags, Foleys Balloon Catheter, Male External Catheter, Nelaton Catheter etc.
Gastroenterology : Infant Feeding Tube, Ryle's Tube, Levin’s Tube, etc.
Surgery & Wound Care : Close Wound Suction Unit, Thoracic Catheter, Yankur Suction Set, Surgical Blade and Scalpel, Skin Stapler etc.
Rubber Products : Ice bag, Air cushions, Ring pessary, ECG Electrodes, Rebreathing bag, Mackintosh Sheet, Lavine tube, Nelaton Catheter, Nasal Tube, Infant syringe, Ear Syringes etc.
Diagnostics: Baby Scales, Weight & height measuring scale, Sphygmomanometer, Stethoscope, Lights, Hammer & Electrodes, X-ray.
Hospital Equipments : Suction unit, Autoclave, microscopes etc.
Homecare : Manual eye chart, Digital thermometer, Sitz bath, Breast pump, Pippete bulbs, Water bed etc.

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India / New Delhi

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Exporter from India

Scientific Instruments : Micro Pipette, microscope, Centrifuge, Oven, Incubator, Water Bath, PCR Machine, Gel Doc System.

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India / Varanasi

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Exporter from China


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China / Nanjing

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Exporter & Importer from India

Analytical Instruments, Lab Equipments, Clean Room Facility, Laboratory Furniture, Plasticware, Recovery Pipette Tips, HTS Consumables, PCR Product & Sealing Options, Petri Dishes & Micro centrifuge Tubes / Screw Cap Tubes & Labeling Options, Clinical Products, Storage Racks & Portable Coolers, Tissue Culture Products, Gloves, Genomic Kits & Purification Column, Liquid Handling Devices, Gel Elecrophoresis & allied Instruments.
Liquid Handlers : Single Channel Pipettes, Multi Channels, Electronic Pipettes, Fixed Volume Pipettes, Pipette Controllers, Digital Burettes, Bottles Top Dispensers.
Tissue Culture Labware : Tissue Culture Flasks, Petri Dishes, Cryo tubes, Tissue Culture Test Plates, Cell Scraper / Cell Spatula, Filtration Units, Centrifuge Tubes, Tissue Culture Tubes, Filter Tubes, Bioreactor, Serological Pipettes, Racks, Horizontal Gel Systems, Vertical Slab Gel Systems, 2-D Electrophoresis System, Blotting System, Power Supplies etc.
Variable Volume Pipettes, Pipette Stands, Digital Multi Pipette (Variable volume), Electronic Pipettes, Disposable Trough Tray, Triple Volume Micro Pipette, Fixed Volume micro pipette, Macro pipettes, Syringe dispenser, Pipette pumps, Pipette controller, Digital hand-held dispencer, Bottle top digital burette, Bottle top dispenser.
Centrifuges, Manual Pipettes, Electronic Pipettes, Pipette Tips, Pipette Controller, Micro tube & Micro plate shaker, Vortexer, Lab rotators, 3D Shaker, Gyro mini Rotating 3-D mixer, Ovens, Dry bath, Water bath, Shaking Incubators, heating Blocks, Elecrophoresis, Shakers, Chillers, Circultors, Mini gel system with power supply UV Transilluminator, PCR machines (Thermal Cycler) & Hybridization ovens etc.
Incubators, Incubators Cooled, Sterilizers, Ovens, Vacuum Ovens, Water baths, blood bank refrigerator, Centrifuges, Refrigerated Bench top centrifuges, Climatic test Cabinet, Growth Chamber.
Imaging platform (Gel doc system), Camera lens, Ultra violet cross linker, UV Transilluminator, Refrigerated Circulation bath, Electrophoresis system (Mini / Maxi), Glass plate washer & Storage kit, Gradient Makers, Blotting Membranes, Filtration Manifold, Electrophoresis reagents, Hybridization Ovens & UV Crosslinker.
Shaking water bath, circulators (Cooling / Heat)
Refrigerated Micro centrifuges (Various speeds (RPM))
Bottle top dispenser, Dispenser simplex (variable / Fixed Volume)
A wide range of sera media & solutions for cell culture research, Animal serum, synthetic culture media, Animal plasma, bovine albumin, salt solution & Buffers & Cell culture reagents
Biochemical's & Reagents, Collagenenase neutral protease, Lava Purple (200x concentrate), Buffer Pack, Peptide Quantification Kit, Protease monitoring kit, Live cell imaging stain.
PH / ORP Testers, Electrodes, Ion Selective Electrodes, Conductivity / TDS Meters, Dissolved Oxygen Meters, Turbidity Meters, Colorimeters, Temperature Meters, Multi-Parameter Testers, Humidity / Temp. Data Logger & Salinity Testers etc.
Boxes for DNA, RNA deactivation, Densitometers, Flourimeters, Magnetic Stirrers, UV Recalculates, Biosafety Cabinets & Over Head Stirrers
Laboratory Hot Plates (Stirrer with CERAN glass surface)
Electronic & Analytical Balances, Moisture Balance & Top Loading Balance.Digital Burette. Labopettor, Pipettes, Bottle Top DispensersMicrolitre Syringers, GC Capillar, GC Consumables, GC Accessories, HPLC Columns.
Process Mass Spectrometers & Accessories
Kjeldhal Digestion Unit, Distillation Unit, Alcohol distillation Unit, Solvent Recovery Extractor, Fiber Extractor, Autoclave, Oven, Incubator, Spectrophotometer, Centrifuge, Microplate Reader & microscope etc.
Turbidity meters, Water Analyzer, COD Reactor, Colour Comparator, DO Meter
IR Moisture Meter, Coating Thickness Tester, Wood Moisture Tester, Moisture Meter for Grains.
Sample Storage, Sample Storage Tubes, Starter Packs, Storage Racks, Tube Capping Range, Readers & Scanners, Automated Systems & Liquid Handling.
Deep Freezer, Refrigerator, Ice maker, Ice Flakers, Magnetic Stirrer, Vortex Mixer, Dry bath Incubator, Micro Centrifuge, Cryo Can (Liquid Nitrogen cryogenic container), Cryo Cooler & Freeze Dryer
Chromatography Products: FOR GC / HPLC
SGE / HAMILTON Syringes, Vials, Septas, Septums, HPLC & GC, GCMS, LCMS & ICP Instruments
Imported High Quality Laboratory Glassware (Beakers, Conical Flasks, RB Flask Plain (1, 2, 3 & 4 Necked), Petri Dish, Measuring Cylinders, Volumetric Flasks, Bottle with Blue Cap (Amber/Plain), Pipettes, Burettes, Desiccators (Vacuum/Plain), Dishes & Filter Flask
Organic Solvents, Inorganic Chemicals, Bio-Chemicals, Reference Standards, Oligoneucliotides & Lab ware
Centrifuge, Mechanical / Magnetic Stirrer, Shaker, BOD Incubators, Freezers, Seed Germinators, Constant Temperature Bath etc.Heating Blocks, Water Baths & Circulators, Vacuum Pumps, Heating Mantles & Blocks, Hot Air Oven, Hybridization Oven, Incubators, Shakers, peristaltic Pumps, and Sonicators.
Heating Mantles, Water Bath, Oil bath, Water Still, Oven, Incubator, Hot Plate, Furnace, Melting Point Apparatus, antibiotic Zone Reader, Friability Test Apparatus, Dissolution Test Apparatus, Tablet Hardness Tester, Bulk Density Apparatus, Digital Colony Counter, Autoclave etc.
Deep Freezer, Refrigerator, Ice maker, Ice Flaker, Magnetic Stirrer, Vortex Mixer, Dry bath Incubator, Micro Centrifuge.

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India / Hyderabad

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Export & Import

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Exporter from China

Ophthalmic Instruments, Slit Lamp microscope, Fundus Camera, AB Scan and Perimeter.

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China / Chongqing

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Exporter from China

Iriscope, Iridology Camera, Iris Camera, Iridology Software, and Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer, Beauty Equipment, Skin Scope, Hair Scope (Skin Analysis, Skin Analyzer, Hair Scope, Hair Analysis, Hair Analyzer) microscope, and Medical Treatment Equipment Dental Intraoral Cameras, Teeth Whitening Light / Lamp, Dental Equipments etc.

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China / Hunan

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