Refrigerated Gas (R134A, R22, R404A, R410A, r407c, R507, R600A, R290, R32, R422D, R417A, R407A.)..
Member since:
19-Jul-2018Yr of Est:
China / Quzhou,zhejiangBusiness type:
ExportRefrigerant Gases: R134a, R410a, r407c, R404a, R507, R22.
Bulk Refrigerant Refillers...
Member since:
10-Oct-2016Yr of Est:
United Arab Emirates / DubaiBusiness type:
ExportRefrigerant Gases : R134A, R404A, R125, r407c, R410A, R32, R152, R507C / R600A, etc...
Member since:
12-Nov-2013Yr of Est:
China / ZiboBusiness type:
ExportRefrigerants : R-134A, R-410A. R-407C, R-404A, R-408A...
Member since:
25-Sep-2013Yr of Est:
South Korea (Republic Of Korea) / Boeun-gunBusiness type:
ExportRefrigerants : R22, R134A, R143A, R125, R141B, R142B, R152A, R404A, r407c, R410A, R507C, R600A etc...
Member since:
16-Jul-2013Yr of Est:
China / QuzhouBusiness type:
ExportR22, R32, R125, R134a, R134a Replacements, R141b, R142b, R152, R401a, R404a, R406a, r407c, R410a, R415a/b, R417a, R418a R422a, R425a, R507 and R600a Refrigerant Gases...
Member since:
06-Sep-2012Yr of Est:
China / ZiboBusiness type:
ExportRefrigerant Gases, R22, R134a, R404, R410, r407c, R507...
Member since:
24-Aug-2012Yr of Est:
China / HangzhouBusiness type:
ExportRefrigerant, R12, R22, R134a, R404a, R410a, r407c, R417a and so on...
Member since:
05-Jul-2012Yr of Est:
China / QuzhouBusiness type:
ExportRefrigerant Gases : R22, R134A, R404A, R406A, r407c, R502, R507 etc...
Member since:
13-Mar-2012Yr of Est:
China / HangzhouBusiness type:
ExportRefrigerant Gases : R134a, R22, R152a, R143a, R32, R125a, R406, r407c, R507a, R227, R600a...
Member since:
24-Aug-2011Yr of Est:
China / HangzhouBusiness type:
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